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(Told from the perspective of you, the Avatar.)

Having just foiled the Guardian in Pagan with the defeat of the Titans, you return to Britannia through the reconstructed blackrock gate. Thankfully, the Guardian has yet to return, although the uneasiness felt by the populace suggests that such a threat may be imminent. Lord British asks you to return to Serpent Isle, this time alone, in order to ascertain how things are faring. Iolo and Gwenno have returned from Serpent Isle, bringing with them much of your equipment from your previous campaign there. Shamino and his budding actress friend from Britain, Amber, have taken up residence in his old castle back on Serpent Isle. Iolo also brought back with him Erstam’s Magic Compass. With it, you will be able to return to Serpent Isle by sailing ship.


You learn from Lord British that he has already sent formal emissaries to Serpent Isle, although these emissaries have been met with much suspicion. Lord British has offered his services and Britannia’s resources to help rebuild Serpent Isle. Past prejudices toward Lord British and Britannians and gargoyles in general have eroded somewhat, but are still present. A number of people from Britannia (and other worlds) have voluntarily emigrated to the isle and Lord British says you will likely see some familiar Britannian faces there.


Upon setting out, you take stock of your inventory. Much of the equipment you had obtained on Serpent Isle was left with Lord British for safekeeping, but now have been returned to you to aid in your journey. This includes the Black Sword (now free of the daemon Arcadion), Helm of Light, magic armor, Gauntlets of Quickness, Belt of Strength, magic leggings, magic boots, and ring of reagents. In your backpack you find your Serpent Isle map, a sextant, your pocket watch, the key ring, an abacus, the everlasting goblet you acquired from Furnace, the Hourglass of Fate (by which you can commune with the Xenkan Monks), and your bed roll. Because of the colder climate, you also find a pair of fur boots (as well as a pair of swamp boots) and the wolf cloak you had received on earning the title of Monitor Knight. You also find your spellbook. While complete with every available spell by the end of your previous quest on Serpent Isle, new spells have since been added by the mages of Serpent Isle.


In Britain, you board The Dragon’s Breath, the same sailing ship you had purchased from Lady Jehanne, the provisioner of Serpent's Hold, during your campaign to destroy the Black Gate in Britannia. Lady Jehanne had related to you how that ship was once known as the Constellation. However, the ship was intentionally destroyed by the ship’s captain to prevent it from falling into the hands of pirates. The Constellation was then rebuilt into The Dragon’s Breath by Rohden of Britain.


Leaving the harbor in Brittany Bay, you know only to sail east and north toward the polar regions. Once beyond Ambrosia, you place the Magic Compass on the deck of the ship. This legendary artifact is said to have guided Erstam during his voyage to Serpent Isle over two hundred and fifty years ago. Chanting the mantra “Yleg Ort,” the compass points your way to the Serpent Pillars.


​To be continued...

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