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" ... I've always seen the Serpent Isle as a kind of way station. It was a place that would be cool to explore with a great story, but I want to use it as a springboard to new worlds. Whether that's Earth or Pagan doesn't matter to me. Of course it will always be there if we want to come back to it, and I hope people will want to." 

— Producer Warren Spector, Game Bytes Magazine,

Vol. 1, No. 9, March 13, 1993


This website will contain the complete narrative (including screenshots) for the module I am working on using Exult. This module will be called Ultima VII, Part 3: Return to Serpent Isle (U7P3).


In this module, the populace of the Serpent Isle (those killed by the Banes) were alive at the end of Ultima VII, Part 2: Serpent Isle (U7P2as they had been resurrected after Balance was restored (as stated by Karnax after the planting of the Silver Seed). Although the Avatar was plucked out of the Void by the Guardian after he saved the Serpent Isle, he had left plans with Shamino and Iolo to ensure that Balance was maintained in his absence. Lord Shamino settled down and took up residence for a time in his former castle on the Serpent Isle. His actress friend from Britain, Amber, joined him, fulfilling her role as lady. Iolo and Gwenno would eventually return to Britannia after setting up one of their bowyer shops in Monitor (Iolo's Bows East). A number of people from Britannia and other worlds also ended up emigrating to the Serpent Isle.


In this alternate timeline, the Guardian has yet to return (the events of Ultima IX: Ascension have not happened) and both Britannia and the Serpent Isle are experiencing a time of relative peace and prosperity. The two lands are undergoing considerable reconstruction following the devastation brought about by the Imbalance. While not fully forgetting past prejudices, they continue formal relations with one another. After the Avatar's departure from Pagan, he returns for a time to Earth. Lord British eventually summons the Avatar and sends him to the Serpent Isle to see what progress has been made there.


If we are to follow Thoxa's chronology, then the Avatar's exploits in U7P2 took place in the Year 453 (New Freedom). This module takes place five years later in Year 458.

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