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The following is a transcription of the Origin brochure that surfaced in a box of materials sent to Joe Garrity (who maintains the Origin Museum) by Bob White in the summer of 2015. Some grammatical errors in the original document have been corrected here as well as some additions made to the timeline. Although the date of the brochure is not specified, it was likely produced for the Summer Consumer Electronics Show held in Chicago in May of 1992. It is included here because it provides a thorough overview of the game, Ultima VII, Part 2: Serpent Isle, which would ultimately be released on March 23, 1993. The add-on disk, The Silver Seed, would be released later that year, on August 17. (These are U.S. ship or drop dates of the "finished" product.) The game took up four of the eight pages of the brochure.

Ultima VII, Part 2: Serpent Isle Carries Award-Winning Saga Into a Second Decade of Fantasy Adventure
   Ultima VII, Part 2: Serpent Isle is the thrilling sequel to ORIGIN's award-winning Ultima VII: The Black Gate. You begin this chapter in the Ultima saga trapped in Britannia by the same circumstances that thwarted the Guardian in Ultima VII: The Black Gate. Eighteen months have passed since your seeming victory but you find yourself in a world strangely out of balance: A wave of terrible magic storms is sweeping the world; a strange sickness plagues the Gargoyles and the Emps -- a sickness that will surely spread to humans if you don't find a way to stop it; and then there's the matter of the Fellowship, whose leader, Batlin, fled from justice at the end of Ultima VII.
   The solution to these problems can be found on the legendary Serpent Isle, reached by sailing through the mysterious Serpent Pillars in the Britannian Ocean. As you explore the new land in search of a way to end the threat to your world and countless others, you discover a grave imbalance between the forces of Order and Chaos -- the root cause of Britannia's troubles. But before you can balance the cosmic scales, you must piece together the strange and fascinating history of the ancient people of this mysterious isle.
   Can you defeat the Banes of Chaos and Order before imbalance destroys the world? Can you stop Batlin's plan to transform himself into an all-powerful Titan capable of wreaking vengeance upon those who thwarted him in Britannia? It's a race against time, and it's up to you to restore Balance to the Serpent Isle -- and all of Britannia!
   Ultima VII, Part 2: Serpent Isle draws inspiration from over ten years of Ultima games and thousands of years of Britannian history. The exciting new story line is built upon events that took place in the distant past of Lord British's magical realm:
The First Age
   In the First Age (recounted in Ultima I), the world was divided into four continents -- the Lands of Lord British (also known as Sosaria, and later Britannia), the Lands of the Feudal Lords, the Lands of the Dark Unknown, and the Lands of Danger & Despair.
   Following the defeat of the evil wizard Mondain, the face of the world was revised. Only the lands of Lord British remained, so far as the inhabitants of Sosaria/Britannia could discover -- the other continents had disappeared or been removed.
   In reality, the defeat of Mondain warped the world in such a way that each of the four continents was wrapped within its own dimensional cloak. The only way to travel between the continents  was to sail through the Serpent Pillars, which appear only on certain nights when the moons are in position.
   The world in ORIGIN's latest Ultima saga Ultima VII, Part 2: Serpent Isle is, in reality, the continent previously known as the Lands of Danger & Despair. It received its new name due to changes which occurred since Ultima I.
Shamino's Past
   In the days of Ultima I, Shamino ruled a kingdom in the Lands of Danger & Despair. He was visiting Lord British when Mondain was defeated, and the subsequent changes in the world made it impossible for him to return to his subjects. Consequently, he stayed with Lord British and became his faithful friend.
   Because Shamino formerly inhabited the Serpent Isle, he can act as a guide to the local geography. Much of his information will be useful ("These mountains extend all the way to the north"), some of it is dated ("This forest was once a swamp"), and a little is useless ("A wench named Blyte lived here, centuries ago ...").
   The castle which once belonged to Shamino now lies in ruins, and there is little sign of the people he once ruled.
The Great Earth Serpent and the People of the Snakes
In the days after the defeat of Mondain, the inhabitants of the Serpent Isle looked for something to give meaning to their lives and explain the changes in the universe. Many of them turned to the ethical doctrine of Balance, and its twin properties of Order and Chaos.
   Rather than seeing the beauty of the unifying Axiom of Balance, the ancients became obsessed with the struggle between the rival Principles of Order and Chaos. They split into two factions, each denigrating the worth of the other and yet managing to cooperate (under the shepherding of the Great Earth Serpent) in order to build a society.
   In the days of Ultima III, however, Exodus stole the Great Earth Serpent from the Void and used him to block the entrance to his fortress. In the absence of the Great Earth Serpent, the balance between the Order and Chaos factions on the Serpent Isle was lost. A civil war ensued.
   The fanatics of the Order faction deluded themselves into believing that there could be a just and lasting victory over Chaos, and that such a victory would result in an idyllic world where the influence of Chaos could never be felt. They were ruthless in slaying their Chaos adversaries and, in the end, the people of Chaos were defeated. In a climactic ritual, the Order faction split the Chaos Serpent into its component parts, known as Banes, and imprisoned the Banes in magical containment devices. Victory belonged to the forces of Order.
   But that victory resulted in a world that was far from the idyllic place envisioned by the seers of Order -- after years of battle, the land was hardly capable of supporting human life. The seers came up with a plan to leave the Serpent Isle, to travel through the Void to another place, a place that would be their land for Order.
   They constructed a vast Wall of Lights and journeyed through the Void to what they hoped would be a better world. Their fate on this new world is a tale for another time ....
The Sosarians Arrive on Serpent Isle
   When Lord British united Sosaria in the days between Ultima III and Ultima IV, there were malcontents who -- for a variety of reasons -- could not accept the Eight Virtues as promulgated by that king and accepted by the majority of the populace.
   These malcontents, organized by a rogue mage named Erstam, emigrated from Britannia in search of the legendary Lands of Danger & Despair. They discovered the secret of the Serpent Pillars, gateway to the Serpent Isle, and sailed to the long-lost continent.
   The colonists planned to name their new land New Sosaria. However, the discovery of the ruins left behind by the departed People of the Snakes and their many serpentine hieroglyphs caused the land to become known as the Serpent Isle.
   Today, the colonists' sole common ground is their traditional hatred for the enemy of their ancestors -- Lord British, the man-demon who drove them from their homeland.
   From time to time, some of the Sosarian colonists (and their descendants) have attempted to retrace their steps through the Twin Pillars. None have succeeded. Years ago, the wreckage of at least one such vessel has washed ashore in Britannia, and a tale was told by the rotting parchments onboard. However, since the Britannians do not know the secret of the Serpent Pillars, and since no such wreckage has been found in recent times, the story of the Serpent Isle has become a musty and seldom-heard legend in Britannia.
Gwenno, the Fellowship and the Serpent Isle
   During the course of Ultima VII: The Black Gate, the Avatar discovered a note left by Gwenno (wife of his long-time friend and companion, Iolo). In it, she revealed that she had left on a voyage to discover the lost and legendary land of the Serpent Isle.
   What Gwenno didn't know was that the voyage was financed by the Fellowship. The Guardian, knowing about the Banes of Chaos and their prison on the Serpent Isle, revealed part of this secret to the Fellowship leader, Batlin. He ordered Batlin to sponsor a ship to discover the lost continent, and revealed to him the mystery of the Serpent Pillars.
   When the ship found the lost continent, Gwenno went among the Sosarians to learn of their cultures. Meanwhile, her crew -- mostly Fellowship devotees -- settled down around the town of Fawn, waiting until Gwenno and the other sages finished their studies.

The Coming of Batlin
   By the start of the game, the Guardian has been defeated and Batlin is on the run. Unbeknownst to Lord British or the Avatar, Gwenno inadvertently made possible the evil Fellowship leader's escape to the Serpent Isle. There the Guardian promised that Batlin would be allowed to merge with the imprisoned Banes of Chaos and become a Titan with powers nearly the equal of the Guardian's.
   In fact, the Guardian has other, far less pleasant plans for Batlin -- the reward for failing the Guardian is death. But the promise of great power is enough to spur the gullible mage to release the Chaos Banes, unleashing their destructive power of Chaos on the Serpent Isle and the rest of Britannia.
The Freeing of the Chaos Banes
   The freedom of the Chaos Banes, without the corresponding force of the Banes of Order, causes an imbalance in the universe. Strange and malevolent magical storms sweep the world. The Gargoyles of Britannia begin to dream strange dreams of snakes, war, and death. The Emps are suddenly struck with a mysterious plague which drains them of energy (being more sensitive to the presence of Balance than the other races, they are the first to succumb to the deleterious effects of the Chaos Banes being free and unopposed).
   The Emps will die if the Chaos Banes remain free, and the Gargoyles will be driven insane. Mankind, though more resistant to the imbalance, will eventually suffer a similar fate. And the storms are wreaking havoc in all corners of the world.
   Lord British, reacting to this disastrous news, summons the Avatar and explains that the disappearances of Gwenno and Batlin are connected and are, in turn, linked to the strange storms and mysterious illnesses being suffered by the Emps and Gargoyles of Britannia. He also reports that the solution to all of these mysteries lies on the Serpent Isle. The Avatar and his three trusted companions Iolo, Shamino and Dupré, are sent to investigate the matter.
   Their goals are simple (though achieving them will be anything but): Find Gwenno and reunite her with her husband, Iolo; put a stop to whatever evil scheme Batlin has concocted with the Guardian; and of greatest importance, restore the Balance between Order and Chaos before the entire universe is torn asunder!

A Brief History of Time

500 or more years ago

Shamino rules in the Lands of Danger & Despair (Ultima I: The First Age of Darkness). 

350 years ago

Civilization of the People of the Serpent rises (circa Ultima II: The Revenge of the Enchantress).

300 years ago
(1) Exodus gains control of the Great Earth Serpent, takes it away from its lair on the ocean floor near the Serpent Isle (Ultima III: Exodus).
 (2) Imbalance War on the Serpent Isle. Order wins and Chaos forces imprisoned. (3) Order forces go to a better plane of existence (or so they think). (4) Great Earth Serpent returns from Exodus' serivce.

250 years ago

Sosarian exiles flee Sosaria/Britannia, settle on the Serpent Isle (between Ultima III: Exodus and Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar).

200 years ago
The adventure recounted in Ultima VI: The False Prophet.

2 years ago
Gwenno sails for Serpent Isle (just prior to Ultima VII: The Black Gate).

18 months ago
Batlin escapes from the Avatar, travels to the Serpent Isle (following Ultima VII: The Black Gate).

6 months ago
The adventure recounted in Ultima Underworld II: The Labyrinth of Worlds.

Ultima VII, Part 2: Serpent Isle!

Ultima games always seem to have an underlying philosophical foundation. According to producer Warren Spector, Ultima VII, Part 2: Serpent Isle is no exception. "In fact, we rejected several plot proposals because they lacked [those] kind of philosophical underpinnings ... I originally proposed something with an ecological theme -- you know, living in harmony with nature -- but the design team came up with the notion of Balance, the need to live a life that is balanced in all ways. Hard to say whether the plot grew out of that idea or whether the plot led to the philosophy, but in either case, it's definitely there. Everything in the game comes around, in one way or another, to Order, Chaos and the need for Balance."

The Serpent Isle Belief System

It all started with the People of the Snakes -- those who lived in the Lands of Danger & Despair before the Sosarians came. According to the belief system of the People of the Snakes, the one pure and unifying axiom is Balance -- the harmony between the Principles of Order and Chaos. In their hieroglyphs, Balance (the Great Earth Serpent) is represented by the straight snake, about which the two rival snakes of Chaos and Order are entwined. When Chaos and Order are in Balance, their forces can be combined to form the principles of Balance.


There are three Chaos Forces: Tolerance, Enthusiasm and Emotion.
There are also three Order Forces: Ethicality, Discipline and Logic.
Finally, there are three Principles of Balance: Spirituality, Dedication and Rationality. Each of these Principles is a result of combining one of the Order Forces with one of the Chaos Forces:


When Chaos and Order are not in Balance, their Forces turn into Anti-Forces or Banes. Here's what happens when you have Chaos Forces without Order Forces (as happens on the Serpent Isle):


And here's the opposite -- Order Forces without counterbalancing Chaos Forces:


This philosophy comes across in the overall plot of the game -- in a literal sense, what the player does is give the Forces of Order and Chaos physical form and fuse them together to restore a state of Balance to the universe. It is also expressed in more personal terms throughout the game as well as in the societies with which the player interacts. The issue of Balance is the glue that holds the plot of Ultima VII, Part 2: Serpent Isle together. 


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